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Obsidian Nvim Plugin

A Neovim plugin for writing and navigating Obsidian vaults, written in Lua.


  • [x] [[nvim]] >= 0.8.0
  • [x] ripgrep installed
  • [x] wsl-open on WSL for :ObsidianOpen command - curl -o ~/.local/bin/wsl-open - chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/wsl-open
  • [ ] export BROWSER={browser path like /mnt/c/Program\ Files/.../browser.exe} for :ObsidianPasteImg to work on WSL
  • [x] pngpaste on Mac for :ObsidianPasteImg
  • [ ] xclip or wl-clipboard on Linux for :ObsidianPasteImg
  • [x] telescope for some search functionality
  • [x] set conceal option value to 1 or 2
return {
  -- A Neovim plugin for writing and navigating Obsidian vaults, written in Lua.
  version = "*", -- recommended, use latest release instead of latest commit
  lazy = true,
  ft = "markdown",
  dependencies = {
    -- Required.
  opts = {
    -- workspaces
    workspaces = {
        name = "beryl",
        path = "~/repos/",
        overrides = {
          notes_subdir = "docs",
        name = "citrine",
        path = "~/repos/",
        overrides = {
          notes_subdir = "docs",
        -- outside of obsidian vault
        name = "no-vault",
        path = function()
          return assert(vim.fs.dirname(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)))
        overrides = {
          notes_subdir = vim.NIL,
          completion = {
            new_notes_location = "current_dir",
          templates = {
            subdir = vim.NIL,
          disable_frontmatter = true,

    -- log level
    log_level = vim.log.levels.INFO,

    -- daily notes
    daily_notes = {
      folder = "docs/daily",
      template = nil,

    -- Optional, configure key mappings.
    -- These are the defaults.
    -- If you don't want to set any keymappings this way
    -- then set 'mappings = {}'.
    mappings = {
      -- Overrides the 'gf' mapping to work on markdown/wiki links within your vault.
      ["gf"] = {
        action = function()
          return require("obsidian").util.gf_passthrough()
        opts = { noremap = false, expr = true, buffer = true },
      -- Toggle check-boxes.
      ["<leader>ch"] = {
        action = function()
          return require("obsidian").util.toggle_checkbox()
        opts = { buffer = true },

    -- Specify how to handle attachments.
    attachments = {
      -- The default folder to place images in via `:ObsidianPasteImg`.
      -- If this is a relative path it will be interpreted as relative to the vault root.
      -- You can always override this per image by passing a full path to the command instead of just a filename.
      -- img_folder = "assets/imgs", -- This is the default
      img_folder = "docs/assets/imgs",
      -- A function that determines the text to insert in the note when pasting an image.
      -- It takes two arguments, the `obsidian.Client` and a plenary `Path` to the image file.
      -- This is the default implementation.
      ---@param client obsidian.Client
      ---@param path Path the absolute path to the image file
      ---@return string
      img_text_func = function(client, path)
        local link_path
        local vault_relative_path = client:vault_relative_path(path)
        if vault_relative_path ~= nil then
          -- Use relative path if the image is saved in the vault dir.
          link_path = vault_relative_path
          -- Otherwise use the absolute path.
          link_path = tostring(path)
        local display_name = vim.fs.basename(link_path)
        return string.format("![%s](%s)", display_name, link_path)