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macbook setup

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macbook setup

periodical update

  • brew update and brew upgrade
  • launch nvim and update stuff on Lazy and Mason


  • settings
    • desktop & dock
      • hot corners
        • start screen saver at bottom right
    • trackpad
      • scroll & zoom
        • turn off natual scrolling

brew and xcode

Open safari and go find homebrew installation script. Open terminal and paste it, and the script will install x-code comand line tools and brew.

# brew installation script
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# post-installation
(echo; echo 'val "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') > /Users/{username}/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

brew --version
brew doctor

install apps using brew

# web browsers
brew install google-chrome
brew install brave-browser

# terminal
brew install iterm2

# text editor
brew install zed

# kubectl
brew install kubectl
# brew info kubectl to check version
# brew pin kubectl to pin version, unpin to unlock and free to upgrade the version

web browsers


Launch and set this as the default web browser.

Allow notifications.

Join the existing sync chain. Add Japanese language in addition to the existing English language.

Confirm that you can login to cloud service dashboards, repository services, and the blog platform.


Do not set this as the default web browser.

Login with my personal google account.

nvim, lazyvim, lazygit, nerdfont, mise, and so on

# install neovim
brew install neovim

# go find fira nerd font, download, and install

# install lazygit
brew install jesseduffield/lazygit/lazygit

# c compiler
brew install gcc

# ripgrep
brew install ripgrep

# fd
brew install fd

# install lazyvim
git clone ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git

# get my dotfiles

# install mise
curl | sh

# follow the install script to activate mise
# mise use [email protected]
# mise use [email protected]
# mise use node@22

# install stuff on nvim via Mason such as LSP, linter, and formatter


# install newer version of bash using homebrew
brew install bash

# confirm the version
/opt/homebrew/bin/bash --version

# edit /etc/shells and add the bash path that's under homebrew

# change user shell
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash

git completion

Visit, select the appropriate tag (see your git version), and get the completion file.

curl -LO

bashrc and aliases

See mypublic/dotfiles and download .bashrc and .bash_aliases files in macbook directory.

Run below as ~/.bashrc is not used on mac by default.

ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile


Install google japanese input. It asks you to install rosetta too.


# tmux installation using homebrew
brew install tmux

# install tpm
git clone ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm

# copy my tmux.conf file from dotfiles

# start tmux and install/update packages
<leader>I  # to install
<leader>U  # to update