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nginx gateway fabric

nginx gateway fabric

I have installed and setup nginx gateway fabric, NGF, as my kubernetes cluster gateway, and my notes from early 2024 is at [[building-home-lab-part-3]].

It is now late 2024 and it is about time I should do the upgrade of NGF. Current version running on my kubernetes cluster is 1.2.0 (and the page above is on installing 1.1.0, so there was one upgrade from there to 1.2.0), and the latest available is 1.4.0 which is the one I'm going for this time.

upgrading NGF

preparing helm values file

# see the release page of the repository and confirm which version you want

# confirm the chart
helm show chart oci:// --version 1.4.0

# get the copy of the values file
helm show values oci:// --version 1.4.0 > ngf-1.4.0-values.yaml

# have the backup of the values file currently running (version 1.2.0 in my case)

# edit the values file from the version 1.4.0
# notes: all the changes I had to make was the same from what I did for the previous versions

# need to apply Kubernetes Gateway API v1.1.0 for NGF 1.4.0 as per the tech apec
curl -L -o gateway-api-v1.1.0-standard-install.yaml

Now, I keep the default values file in the different directory ./default-values so that I can diff and also start all over from there, and the values file under ./values is the one I edit and use for the helm deployment. The directory structure looks like this.

$ pwd
$ tree
 |-kustomization.yaml       # flux kustomization for infra-controllers
 | |-ngf-values.yaml        # to be, 1.4.0
 | |-ngf-values.yaml.bak    # running version 1.2.0
 | |-ngf-1.4.0-values.yaml  # copy, just there as a record
 | |-ngf-1.2.0-values.yaml  # copy, just there as a record
 | |-gateway-api-v1.0.0-standard-install.yaml
 | |-gateway-api-v1.1.0-standard-install.yaml  # newer version to apply
 | |                 # a simple script to run gitops flux commands to generate flux helm source and helm repo manifests
 |-ngf.yaml                 # generated helm source and helm repo manifests to be included in the flux kustomize

preparing the custom nginx image

I build custom image on my private gitlab repository pipeline using kaniko. The instruction to build the image on the official document is to clone the repo and run make, so I first inspect what will actually going to be executed.

# build instruction in the official document
git clone --branch v1.4.0
cd nginx-gateway-fabric
make build-prod-nginx-image

This is what is in the ./Makefile for build-prod-nginx-image.

.PHONY: build-prod-nginx-image
build-prod-nginx-image: build-nginx-image ## Build the custom nginx image for production

.PHONY: build-nginx-image
build-nginx-image: check-for-docker ## Build the custom nginx image
    docker build --platform linux/$(GOARCH) $(strip $(NGINX_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS)) -f $(SELF_DIR)build/Dockerfile.nginx -t $(strip $(NGINX_PREFIX)):$(strip $(TAG)) $(strip $(SELF_DIR))

So it is going to run docker build using ./build/Dockerfile.nginx, and I will prepare my gitlab repository to do the same thing.

Here is the Dockerfile with some changes to remove label and add my harbor registry proxy integrated with my gitlab.

gitlab doc on harbor integration

FROM $HARBOR_HOST/cache-dockerhub/library/nginx:1.27.1-alpine-otel


RUN apk add --no-cache libcap \
    && mkdir -p /var/lib/nginx /usr/lib/nginx/modules \
    && setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx \
    && setcap -v 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/sbin/nginx \
    && apk del libcap

COPY ${NJS_DIR}/httpmatches.js /usr/lib/nginx/modules/njs/httpmatches.js
COPY ${NGINX_CONF_DIR}/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY ${NGINX_CONF_DIR}/grpc-error-locations.conf /etc/nginx/grpc-error-locations.conf
COPY ${NGINX_CONF_DIR}/grpc-error-pages.conf /etc/nginx/grpc-error-pages.conf

RUN chown -R 101:1001 /etc/nginx /var/cache/nginx /var/lib/nginx

USER 101:1001

CMD ["sh", "-c", "rm -rf /var/run/nginx/*.sock && / nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]

I need files required for COPY commands, so I will also prepare these four files. I copy from the original repository, and edit nginx.conf file however I need.

  • ./conf/nginx.conf
  • ./conf/grpc-error-locations.conf
  • ./conf/grpc-error-pages.conf
  • ./jssrc/httpmatches.js

My ./.gitlab-ci.yml looks like this. The two variables NGINX_CONF_DIR=conf and NJS_DIR=jssrc are specified here.

  KANIKO_CACHE_DIR: "/cache"
  KANIKO_VERSION: "v1.23.2-debug"
  VERSION: "1.4.0"


  - build

  stage: build
  retry: 2
    name: $HARBOR_HOST/cache-gcrio/kaniko-project/executor:$KANIKO_VERSION
    entrypoint: [""]
    - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$HARBOR_HOST\":{\"auth\":\"$(echo -n ${HARBOR_USERNAME}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD} | base64)\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
    - /kaniko/executor
      --build-arg "NJS_DIR=jssrc"
      --build-arg "NGINX_CONF_DIR=conf"
      --build-arg "HARBOR_HOST=$HARBOR_HOST"
      --cache-dir /cache
      --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"
      --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/Dockerfile"

Run this script to generate the flux helm source and helm repo manifests to let flux kustomization process them.


# add flux helmrepo to the manifest
flux create source helm ngf \
        --url=oci:// \
        --interval=1h0m0s \
        --export >../ngf.yaml

# add flux helm release to the manifest including the customized values.yaml file
flux create helmrelease ngf \
        --interval=10m \
        --target-namespace=ngf \
        --source=HelmRepository/ngf \
        --chart=nginx-gateway-fabric \
        --chart-version=1.4.0 \
        --values=../values/ngf-values.yaml \
        --export >>../ngf.yaml

Apply both Kubernetes Gateway API v1.1.0 CRDS and NGF 1.4.0 helm release.